Chris Donnelly’s free weekly newsletter

Actionable business & personal advice from someone who has actually done it.

Transform yourself, your business, and your outcomes in just 5 minutes per week.

Chris Donnelly crossing his hand and smiling

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Why Subscribe?

My Cheat Sheets and Infographics have received 100s of millions of views

On top of my weekly email, if you subscribe, you also get access to my Private Vault worth 1000s.

A Bit More About Chris

Chris bootstrapped Verb Brands, from £400 investment to the leading luxury digital marketing agency in the world before selling the business in 2021 to private equity. Chris then went on to Co Found Lottie with his brother which is valued at 9 figures in 3 years.

Along the way, he’s been sharing his journey and soon became the fastest-growing business creator in the world.

Growing 2 million followers across LinkedIn, Tik tok, Instagram and YouTube all within the space of 1year.

He now shares his whole journey on this newsletter and Mentors others to follow in his footsteps, helping 1000s of entrepreneurs build their businesses, build their social media presence and leverage their personal brand to drastically grow and scale their business.

What Chris' Subscribers Say

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I started working with Chris back end of February, and wow, what a difference two months can make! Thanks to Chris’ help, I’ve gained 18,000 new followers and I’m enjoying reading his content every weekend on Step By Step !

Noemi Kis
7-figure founder
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Highly recommend his newsletter

Step by Step is one of the few newsletters I read. Every edition is value-packed, and I love getting free insights from a proven entrepreneur like Chris.

Ben Meer
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Highly recommend his newsletter

Step by Step is such a detailed and valuable email. Once a week Chris is delivering his audience guidance and advice that has taken him years to learn ! I read it every weekend

Ben Askins
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Highly recommend his newsletter

“Chris is a proven entrepreneur. He has built multiple 8/9 figure businesses and is sharing his knowledge every weekend on business and life. Why wouldn’t you subscribe?”

Eric Partaker
Author, CEO coach
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Highly recommend his newsletter

“I read Step By Step every weekend and I’m always fascinated by how much free information Chris gives away. Most entrepreneurs hoard information but Chris gives it all away”

Will McTighe
Building Something New
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Highly recommend his newsletter

“Chris gives away all his knowledge, guidance and advice for free . This is the only way to do it and the value he is giving out to his community is incredible

Simon Squibb